Dev Log 2

This is our second dev log (the first week of October), this week we decided to implement a perimeter around the president that the agents can't go into. As for what kinds of projectiles we'll be seeing in the game, we decided to leave it as bullets for now.

For the win, end, restart, and main menu screens, we wanted our art team to make a main menu graphic, for the coding team it was decided that win, end, restart screens would be an overlay.

We now have the models for the main characters (walk cycle, run, death are included)

We agreed on making 3 levels in total, for the first level there would be flying obstacles, and as the the player moves to the next level, there would be new mechanics in addition to the first (bomb and lasers).

For the current model we have now, we still need to fix the collison for the president and the bug for the camera.

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